科幻电影 The Vast of Nigh 第3集


AndrewPatterson 谢拉·麦克康米克JakeHorowitz盖尔·克罗纳奥尔布鲁斯·戴维斯 科幻电影 美国 2020 查看整部剧情
Set at the dawn of the space-race over the course of one night in 1950s New Mexico, a young switchboard operator and a radio DJ uncover a strange frequency that could change their lives, their small town, and all of Earth - forever. THE VAST OF NIGHT falls down the rabbit hole of the Twilight Zone and carefully stitches together a narrative scavenger hunt through dropped phone calls, AM radio signals, secret reels of tape forgotten in a library, switchboards, crossed patchlines and an anonymous phone call. With confounding tracking camera work throughout, rapid fire dialogue and period perfect jargon, THE VAST OF NIGHT drops viewers into a time and town hidden away from outsiders. And whose mysteries only present themselves to those curious and patient enough to hear them. 影视剧网提供“The Vast of Night”在线观看及The Vast of Night剧情,The Vast of Night海报。