剧情电影 列夫·朗道:娜塔 第1集


伊利亚·赫尔扎诺夫斯基JekaterinaOertel VladimirAzhippoNataliaBerezhnayaLucBigéAlexeiBlinov 剧情电影 德国 2020 查看整部剧情
Natasha works in the canteen of a secret Soviet research institute. She drinks a lot, likes to talk about love and embarks on an affair. State security intervenes. A tale of violence that is as radical as it is provocative. 影视剧网提供“列夫·朗道:娜塔莎”在线观看及列夫·朗道:娜塔莎剧情,列夫·朗道:娜塔莎海报。